Val-Adin, also known as the Golden City or Jewel of the Elvish Empire, is the metropolis Capitol of the High-Elf Kingdom and has a population of roughly 20,000 people. Val-Adin is the oldest, wealthiest city in the Alliance. Val-Adin was named after a venerable Ancient Elf, Omarice Roren, a slayer of dragons and pillager of their gold. Omarice was from a nomadic tribe of hunters in the Feywild, thought to have originated in Adin. Val-Adin translates in Common to from Adin. An old way in which Elves chose to identify themselves with their last names. A method that only very old families, or the Drow of Val Royeaux, still practice to this day. Val-Adin is a symbol of power, a city of gold-plated buildings and statues meant to be seen as far as the coast when the sun is shining. Notable politicians of powers, city-builders, arcane masters, call Val-Adin home.
Val-Adin is ruled through a Monarchy, where the Wynlana Uriquinal Sul'Lumaer family lineage, Windhelm for short, rule from father to child. When the city was first founded, a hierarchy of wealthy politicians were the acting figureheads but all began fighting and vying selfishly for their own business, rather than the commonwealth of the people. After a series of protest, Val-Adin's government dissolved the hierarchy and had the people elect the family they trusted most to be the sole rulers of Val-Adin. It fell to Xeuradel Windhelm, a master arcane craftsman and founder of the Noble Arcaneum, to rule Val-Adin. Pre and Post Age of Heroes, Xeuradel's son Jaonos Windhelm rules the High Elves of Val-Adin.
Val-Adin is encased in a half-cracked, gargantuan yellow frame. The walls appear to be uneven, broken even. This is because during a siege, Val-Adin artificers are required to close the other half of this golden dome, hidden in the bottom half so it appears to be one, singular, thick wall. Sorcerers and enchanters of the highest order bring the colossal statues outside of the wall to life to crush and disintegrate any invaders and their armies. The interior of the city is patrolled and guarded by the City-Watch, well-dressed agents that report directly to Elvira Windhelm and her Jaeger Divsion. In times of armed conflict within the city, the City-Watch arms themselves in magic-resistant riot gear to non-lethally deal with rowdy citizens. Val-Adin's guard seeks to subdue and disable, before exterminating. During a more widespread national conflict, Val-Adin deploys the Jaeger Corp, the most elite counter-terrorism unit in the Alliance. Trained to deal with super-powered threats ranging from mad wizards to common adventuring parties. No threat too great for Val-Adin.
Notable Locations
The Noble Arcaneum
One of the oldest libraries in the realm and first collective of Wizards and Sorcerers. The Noble Arcaneum was believed to have been founded as early as the first Ancient elves who wrote and protected sacred magic texts that became the first magical scrolls. This collection was passed on from generation to generation until the Noble Arcaneum's founding when the first colonies of High-Elves took shape. What started as a locked collection of early arcane theory and history, turned into a vast network of tunnels, halls, and magic sanctums where the greatest minds of the realm came to study and debate. Students of the arcane arts come to study arcane theory's most basic principles, and those with special permissions gain access to the Special Collections where history and arcane theory's first writings are contained.
Fort Erris
The training school for the Jaeger Corp. Fort Erris is where the infamous 26-week Jaeger Qualification Training program is held. To qualify, civilians and military personnel must first pass the Basic Underwater Demolition (BUD) school at Fort Hera, and a basic close-quarters combat course consisting of hand-to-hand combat training as well as drills on fighting super-powered persons. Only 2% of applicants pass the JQT program and go on to earn their Jaeger Beret and Pin. Fort Erris is where Elvira Windhelm came up with the 40 percent rule... "When your mind is telling you you're done, you're really only 40 percent done."
The Skyview
A whole level of Val-Adin built on the skyline. Thanks to Dwarvish ingenuity and craftsmanship, Val-Adin was able to use less space to house more businesses and people using bolted and reinforced balconies and walkways for walking. Luxurious dining, gardens, and top 1% living with a view of the golden city. Some engineers have thought of dubbing this level of buildings as "skyscrapers".