Storm of Swords

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The Storm of Swords refers to the events of the Burning of Galencourt and the conflicts preceding it between the Brotherhood of the Hanged Emperor and the Knights of Kaer Ronan.

The Burning of Galencourt

The Brotherhood were a sept of devout Bhaalists who had infiltrated the Temple of Maelicia at Galencourt. In the dead of night, the Brotherhood set fire to Galencourt’s homes, keeps, and armories and set upon the streets, killing hundreds overnight. In rapid response, Guardsmen from Kaer Ronan deployed en masse to the city and attempted to evacuate its citizens, whilst purging the city of the Bhaalist’s fanatics. The Brotherhood, former soldiers, mercenaries, and Guardsmen, met their opposition with fierce, bloody resistance and often struck from the shadows, overwhelming what safezones the Guardsmen could erect in the small amount of time they were given.

The Guardsmen were ultimately overwhelmed, and lost more than half of their number, including their Lord-Commander and most of their senior officers. The survivors were harbored within the city’s inns, homes, and businesses and the Brotherhood left under the cover of cinder and ash. What they left behind at the city center was an incomprehensibly ghastly site, the bodies of Ser Leland Hersch and his men, all butchered and hanging from the Heart Tree. In response, King Jermaine put out a federal contract on all members of the Brotherhood and reached out to the neighboring city of Freemark for aide. Freemark sent what little food stocks and men they could, busy with the fighting in the Outlands at the height of the Merchant Conflict. This gesture permanently damaged mainland Parlusian human kingdom relations with that of the smaller eastern kingdoms known as the Rostenian kingdoms. It seemed that the cultists would escape with the sacking of an Alliance city.

The Hunt for the Smiling Knight

Eye-witnesses to the massacre at Galencourt reported seeing a blonde-haired, blue-eyed knight who wore a startling wide smile, at the center of the massacre. This would later be confirmed to be Ser Alistair Black, a former Guardsmen from the disbanded Striva Ottar Chapter. It was rumored to be Ser Alistair who slew Ser Leland on the battlefield, stabbing the decorated warrior through the throat from behind and decapitating him.

The manhunt for the Smiling Knight and all involved with him was led by the two most senior Guardsmen remaining, Ser Howland Reede of Pennworth, and Ser Hugo Castille of Meadowcraft. Ser Hugo was believed to be dead, or at the very least permanently incapacitated from grievous wounds. The two formally accepted King Jermaine’s contract on behalf of the Kaer Ronan Guardsmen and rallied what brethren were left. In response, Guardsmen from Barth Modir led by Knight-Commander Olivia Kane joined the hunt. The Brotherhood met with their own allies, Rostenian rebel settlements looking to secede from the Parlusian council government. This would mean war.

Battle of Astapor

The large town of Astapor sat on the Forked Tongue, three large rivers which connected harbors and inlets of land within the Rostenian territory. It was a hun from which all trade spread. When the settlements of Astapor, Deepwood Motte, Harrenlow, and Betlas publicly denounced the advances of Ser Hugo and Ser Reede’s men, this was taken as support for Black’s men. The Rostenian Rebels sent a force of 3,500 to meet the Guardsmen’s own force of 2,900 on the banks of Astapor. The weather and terrain made for muddy, slippery conditions which the Rostenian’s were accustomed to, and used to hold back the Guardian advance. The first battle of the civil war was an embarrassment for Ser Hugo who ultimately was forced to call for a retreat or risk his men being drowned in the mud and a hail of arrows.

Battle of Crookwater

Ser Howland Reede theorized that if they could take the cities benefiting from Astapor’s trade, that they could trap Astapor and surround it on the Forked Tongue. Ser Howland broke off from the main force with a detachment of 3,000 and laid siege to the first trade city of Crookwater which lay entirely open and at the bottom of a steep embankment which would lead to another route. Ser Howland had bombarded Lord Thron’s men long enough with artillery and firearms from afar, that when Ser Howland’s men finally advanced they steamrolled a battered force, and took the city.

Capture of Deepwood Motte

Following Ser Howland’s attack plan, Ser Hugo manned the helm as Battlemaster once again, and covered Ser Howland’s advance from the steep terrain of Deepwood Motte. There, he intercepted a flanking force led by Ser Duncan Mattis and Ser Theodore Forrester. Ser Hugo secured victory for the Guardians having bested two experienced generals on their own terrain and having slain them both. The capture of Deepwood Motte meant the Guardians had a deep thresh of forest through which they could discreetly divert forces across the theater of war and have a full view of the terrain.

Burning of Jeyne Poore

Jeyne Poore was one of few supporters to the Parlusian government and had publicly announced its intentions to bring Ser Alistair Black and his men to justice. While the government of Jeyne Poore sent a small fleet of riverboats downriver to help take Astapor, Ser Alistair Black led a daunting force of 5,000 to lay siege to Jeyne Poore and burn it to the ground. Effectively stranding the fleet between their burning city and Astapor’s walls.

The Battle of the Ashen Lands

In order to free the fleet from Black’s grasp, Ser Hugo and Ser Olivia Kane intercepted Black’s forces on route to disappear once again into the Rostenian territory. Black had actually baited them into a large-scale engagement aided by Rostenian allies. This became the largest battle of the conflict as 8,000 Rostian rebels and 7,400 Guardians clashed amidst the ashen clouds of what was once Jeyne Poore. The Guardians ultimately emerged victorious as Ser Howland’s men joined the fray and together crushed the primary force of the Rostenian resistance.

The Surrender of Astapor

With its waters occupied and the city totally surrounded, rather than risk total starvation and mutiny, Lord Erik Haas formally surrendered Astapor to Ser Hugo Castille whose men now occupied the streets. As a demonstration of his tenets, Ser Hugo had Lord Erik Hass of Astapor, Lord Frederick Stark of Harrenlow, and Lord Julius Ramton of Betlas publicly beheaded and their heads sent to Galencourt. Ser Hugo announced that any town or cities that continued to house or aid the Brotherhood, would be torn asunder.

The Taking of Castle Black

The Brotherhood had all but lost the element of surprise and their ability to disappear into cities. With most, if not all, having surrendered to the Guardians. With Ser Olivia Kane’s men picking them off from afar, Ser Alistair Black made one last mad dash for his home keep of Castle Black, a dreadnought of a fortress high in the mountains. Before he could reach it, Ser Hugo and Ser Howland, and only the two, took the fortress under the cover of night. There they waited for the cowardly Smiling Knight.

The Duel Under Selune’s Eye

Castle Black sat under the mountains of Selune’s Eye, given that name for the way the trees glows in the moonlight’s gaze. Ser Alistair Black, William Dustin, Ethan Glower, Martyn Cesil, Theo Ryswin, and Marcus Rant ascend the road, leaving behind their remaining force to contend with Ser Olivia’s. The six men arrive to see to Ser Hugo Castille and Ser Howland Reeded seated beside the doors to the castle. The lack of any men on the battlements, the silence, and the bloodied armor of the Guardsmen is all Ser Alistair Black needs to know his castle has been taken. What follows is a brief exchange of words then a duel between the men.

It is said that Ser Hugo singled out Ser Alistair during the fight, and even while the others save for Ser Howland, were dead, and Ser Olivia’s men stood by, that Ser Hugo and Ser Alistair continued fighting for over three hours. Ser Hugo’s blows were so great that overtime Ser Alistair’s sword’s edge was whittled down. Seeing this, Ser Hugo allowed the Smiling Knight to have his pick of a blade from amongst the dead. With a bloody, twisted smile, Ser Alistair Black cackled and pointed at Ser Hugo’s sword, “I want Rhaenyra.” Ser Hugo responded with, “Then you shall have her.” and slew the Bhaalist in the next exchanged.


The political ramifications of the civil war can be felt to this day as Rostenian and Parlusian nobility continue petty religous squabbles in court. Galencourt has since rebuilt and established a Guardsmen outpost within its walls, federalizing Guardamen for the first time in hundreds of years. Though the current political climate has a near excess of federal protection, this act transcends that. For when Galencourt burned, over 450 Guardsmen answered the call and lost their lives. The survivors from there on out referred to Galencourt Knights. Ser Hugo Castille assumed charge of the Kaer Ronan Chapter as Guardmaster, teaching and guarding the next generation of protectors and the realm.