Raven Queen

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The Raven Queen
Goddess of Death and Memories
Other namesThe Matron Mother of All-Death
ArtifactsThe Ivory Mask
SymbolCrying raven's head facing left

The Raven Queen is the greater deity of death and memories. Feared, honored, and worshipped by millions, even amongst other pantheons, the Raven Queen is the eternal representation and personification of Death itself. The Raven Queen is often seen walking bloody battlefields, plague-ridden cities, or just outside the homes of the sick and elderly as an exceptionally tall, long-haired, dark-robed figure with a ceramic white mask gently praying over the bodies of the dead. Others say they've seen a pale, light-blue skinned woman whose spindly hair covers her forever weeping eyes through which they witness all the tragedies of the world. Some hauntingly tell of a gorgeous elvish woman with a cracked, fang-toothed jaw that waits at their bedside to drag them to damnation. The Raven Queen takes many forms that is believed to depend on the person and their actions in life. She remains one of the most widely known greater deities who is worshipped across any number of alignments, species, and holy orders. The Matron Mother of All-Death, she whose price will be paid, she who weeps for all who have been loss, she who remains absolute and inventible.