Hellfire Hounds

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A popular adventuring party during the Age of Heroes. The Hellfire Hounds or the Hounds were notoriously destructive, crass, and vulgar ex-soldiers and marauders that took their love for all things steel and fire with them wherever they went. It's been said that the Hounds left a path of destruction wherever they went, even the simplest job could turn into an all out, bloody street fight at a moments notice. The general public either totally despised their arrival or worshiped them like celebrities wherever they went. Property damage and insurance claims soared through the roof, but you got a bloody good show out of it. Most ne'er-do-wells avoided tangling with the Hounds or risked losing a limb or eye even after surrendering.

The party's members included:

  • Gregor Aldritch
  • Riptide
  • Jeanine Quinn
  • Archie Silverhand
  • Cassidy Caine
  • Radames Golilai