Fine Fellows of Daggerford

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The Fine Fellows of Daggerford were an ill-fated adventuring party that ventured into the Undermountain in 823 GE.

Its members were:

While in the first level of the dungeon, after Kellim sneaked away on his own, an argument broke out when Halleth insisted that the party go try to find Kellim and his repeated insistence on splitting the loot as he decided. Rex, Copper, and Midna killed Halleth and pushed him into a pit. Halleth would be raised as a revenant the next morning, swearing revenge on his former party members.

Copper was caught trying to steal from the Rustbone bazaar, and held prisoner by Yek. Midna and Rex got into some argument shortly after and went their separate ways, with Midna finding a relatively safe and well-stocked room to hideaway in, and Rex continuing further into the dungeon.

That Group of Adventurers met Halleth and Kellim on the dungeon's first level, with both of them accompanying the party for a time. Halleth, after being helped out of the pit, fought Xanathar Guild goblins and ettins with the party on his way to the next floor. Kellim stayed with the party until they took a long rest and told him to keep watch, when he robbed the party blind and sneaked away. On the second floor of the dungeon, the party learned that Halleth had killed Copper and one of the bugbear guards in the Rustbone bazaar, then continued to Midna's room where she killed him with fire magic. TGA took Halleth's body and Mort and Pop sacrificed it to a nearby altar they found. They later met Rex after the battle between the Xanathar Guild and Zhentarim wererats, and he also joined them.