Scaid Zeppallusipphir
Scaid Zeppallusipphir, also known as Zepp, is a half elf bounty hunter and former member of Showtime.
Zepp hasn't mentioned any family aside from Edran the Sniper being his uncle.
Zepp was once part of the League of Bounty Hunters, part of Valkyrie squad with Aer Balask.
Many, many years later, he reappeared at the party where he met Arda, Q-33n, and Ichobod and formed the group that would later be Showtime. After the group was attacked by Proxima's Nightmares in E-Nuevo, he disappeared for a while. Later he reappeared, trained as a specialist, to rejoin Showtime on a gnoll-occupied planet. When he joined, Showtime was helping Yeenoghu retake a planetary shield generator. After this, Zepp blew up the shield generator, not trusting the demon lord. He was taken prisoner by the Conclave for this, but escaped with some drow spies and left behind a note.