Jaeger Corp
"Non Potesis Latere...You Can't Hide."
In Common, the word Jaeger means Hunter and derives from the first armed encounters between the first Humans and Elves. When the first species fought for scraps of land and grabs at arcane veins of power, the Ancient Elves fought with the First Men that wandered onto their sacred land. The First Men described tall beings that could blend into the forest and leap across the canopy in a single bound. Silent and deadly hunters that made barely a sound when they struck with their curved swords and longbows imbued with raw force from the Feywild. These stories are what inspired the High Elves of Val-Adin's special forces unit, the Jaeger Corp.
The Jaeger Corp is the Elves answer to any high-level threat to the security of the High-Elf empire. A counter-terrorism unit so fear and ruthless that a single unit could turn the tide of a war. The pinnacle of military prowess, the Jaeger Corp has a 2% graduation rate amongst its recruits, and that's after taking a lengthy written psychological evaluation after two years of service in the regular armed forces. Artists in tactical espionage, infiltration, sabotage, and assassination, the Jaeger Corp accepts only Elves into their ranks, with very few Half-Elves.
Its notable members include:
- Elvira Windhelm (Commander)
- Raiah Theron
- 21st Jagdkommando Division
- 25th Airborne Jaeger Battalion
A Fey tree of life with a skull as the base.
A member of the Jaeger Corp can be identified in public by their padded multi-camouflaged woodland armor and hunter green beret with a silver pin.