Maribelle Blackpyre
Age | Height | Weight |
26 (C1), 50 (C2) | 5'04 ft (Including Horns) | 130 lbs |
Maribelle "Juicy Thighs" Blackpyre Warborn | |
Art by Acerbus Sigil [1] | |
Born | ~1705 |
Other names | Miss Blackpyre, Belle, Mother |
Education | Homeschooled by Incineryn Blackpyre |
Occupation | God Slayer |
Years active | 1730-present |
Era | Age of Passage |
Height | 5'04 ft (Including Horns) |
Criminal charge(s) | Conspiracy, Raising an undead army, Kidnapping, Murder, Manslaughter, Mass Murder, Holding no quarter (More specifically murdering surrendering enemies), Theft, Destruction of Property, Arson, Reckless Necromancy, Breaking and Entering, Desecrating the corpse of Meadowcraft Military Personnel, Obstruction of Justice, Child Endangerment, Grave Robbing, Openly and Actively Working for Vecna, Hiding Evidence, Matricide |
Criminal penalty | Exiled to the Astral Plane |
Spouse(s) | Ivar Warborn |
Children | Tsukuyomi Blackpyre Warborn |
Parents |
Relatives | Incineryn Blackpyre (Deceased), Levi Blackpyre, Helena Blackpyre, Hildr Firebrand (Not by Blood), Marilka Thyrnmur (Not by Blood) |
Family | Croak and Dagger |
Maribelle is a short high elf with fair skin, purple and pink hair, and one orange eye. She has a long red scar down her right eye and scars on the left side of her face. She is missing her left eye and has part of her jaw exposed just under where the left eye was. She has intense burns on the right side of her head, face, ear, neck, shoulder, armpit, ribs, hips and the top half of her right leg, a scar down her abdominal region and one on her right leg. She has a tattoo sleeve of a skull breathing what is meant to look like stylized poisonous gas on her right arm and a Eye of Vecna tattoo on her left hip. Maribelle's new tattoo is made to resemble a stylized, abstract angry face around the shape of an ahnk.
Maribelle typically wears a one sleeved dark blue and pink dress with a laced skirt and a heart shaped accessory on the chest and has skull shaped buckles down the abdominal region of the dress. The sleeve has a blade on it that only serves the purpose of looking aesthetically interesting so it cannot be used as a weapon unfortunately. The outfit is also equipped with a pair of slightly torn thigh highs with the same aesthetic blades so no stabbing with those either, they also come with shoes to match them. She usually wears a cloak that she fashioned out of what remained of her sister Incineryn's clothes when her body was returned after a battle against Gwynevere.
Maribelle's second outfit is a bodysuit that she wore when she was trained to fight by Incineryn, it has been fitted with more fabric to cover the left leg to cover the Eye of Vecna tattoo. She wears the same gloves, shoes and thigh highs as Incineryn to pay homage and still being unable to let go of the loss of her sister.
After she unlocked her astral abilities her hair completely changed, it grew out to its intended length and color.
After becoming an astral elf, Maribelle's hair grew again and now shines like the stars. It goes from a lavender color to a bright blue. And from her quick trip in the Astral Plane she grew curled horns made of crystalized dark matter. The color of her arm tattoo has changed to black and white and it emanates a purple astral glow.
Maribelle is a brash and angry young high elf, she likes to fight and is prone to resort to violence before thinking about her actions. She is very stubborn and refuses to ever admit when she's ever beaten even when it is abundantly clear when she's out matched, she wouldn't even admit to refusing to admit that she does that either. She drinks to try and cope with her depression and self loathing, despite not actually liking alcohol in the first place.
When Maribelle awakened her astral self it took the form of a representation of the aspects of her personality that have been repressed throughout her life and once she awakens it, Maribelle herself will start to inhibit the personality and behavior she would have originally had before, the death of her parents and sister and before the crippling depression. She is not fully letting go but is no longer allowing it to consume her. Thus after a long fought and successful battle Maribelle can finally smile once more.
Nyx | |
Art by Acerbus Sigil [2] | |
Occupation | Astral Self |
Height | 10'08 ft |
Astral Self Monk - With the help of Runa, Maribelle has awoken a new power within herself. No longer being held back by the clutches of Vecna's power, Maribelle is now faster and stronger. On top of that Maribelle can manifest an extension of her soul and summon an astral projected representation of her other self. Maribelle realizes that the astral self resembles her but isn't identical so she felt weird about calling it Maribelle as well, so she decided to name it Sekhmet because Maribelle thinks it sounds cool. The shift from Death Cleric and Mercy Monk to Astral Self Monk represents the fact that she is taking power back into her life and her own power from within and rejecting Vecna’s power. Soon after, her original astral self died protecting Maribelle but through this a new one manifested, one made of the parts of herself that she would prefer to keep hidden. Rather than naming this one herself, this astral self refers to itself as Nyx and Maribelle goes with it because she can't think of another name.
During any use of any of the listed Astral Self abilities will activate Maribelle's Astral Battle Suit. This black and white glowing suit allows her to harness her astral ki and properly control her new astral self.
- Zan-ei: Maribelle manifests astral gauntlets around her arms for her punch enemies within 5 ft and an astral sword called Zan-ei that rends apart space around her to tear apart enemies from 10ft away. She can also have these gauntlets and float within 10ft of her.
- Cosmic Visage: A visor is summoned in the center of her face, as if Nyx herself is assisting her vision.
- Nyx's Rampage: The spectral figure of Nyx is summoned to fight with Maribelle, in this state Maribelle won’t be the only attacker in her assault, Nyx will help in combat and slash at the enemy with her sword, as if in body and soul Maribelle is ganging up on the enemy.
Poison Expert - Maribelle is very familiar with poisons, she worked with them for most of her life and know the basics, now that Maribelle is immune to poisons, Maribelle can now taste test poisons without consequences to test if a poison is fully tasteless.
Inkindlyn Blackpyre - She feels nothing. "That's it? I didn't feel anything... What was the point of it all?"
Ivar Warborn - She's finally happy. "So this is what it means to find peace and happiness? I've never felt them at the same time. It's wonderful."
Incineryn Blackpyre - Glad she was able to save her for once but only being able to have a fleeting moment with her left her feeling broken. "All I get is one moment with her!? Do you have any idea what that does to someone!? Fine then, witness me Incin, everything will burn in our wake."
Hildr Firebrand - Quite literally the first friend Maribelle ever made, still likes her better than the rest of the party. "Hildr? Coolest motherfucker I know, you got a problem with her, then you got a problem with me."
Aiden Thorin - She sees him as a great ally and a great friend. In her eyes when it comes to close combat, they're the deadliest duo. "It really doesn't matter where they go, where they run, or who they hide behind. When Aiden and Maribelle are called upon them, death will fall upon them so quickly there isn't a death deity is all of the realms that will notice they died in the first place."
Aileen Locket - She wants to one day avenge her. "It seems some think lives and souls are to be thrown to the death domain like poker chips, unfortunately you were made to be an example of what happens when someone gambles with other lives rather than using their own. I thought being cold handling this would help suppress how I really felt about this but after seeing you die right in front of us all I can think is, this isn't the death you deserve."
Andol Thorin - She's glad it wasn't really a betrayal. "Thank goodness you were just mind controlled. I was going to beat the bricks off of you. But glad you're back and ok. You are ok, right?"
Whisper - She feels bad for being so cold to her but it is out of her control. "Really. Why didn't you tell us before?"
Barbatos - Barely remembers him. "Who?"
Clymene - Now that she's met the Olympian pantheon, she is giving Clymene a wild side eye. "These are the mortals you've been worshipping this whole time? I'm disappointed, not surprised, just disappointed. Me personally, I won't hold this against you, I still see you as family, but how we proceed from here is your call. Yes, I slaughtered your "gods" and I'd do it again if I had the chance. But if I see you again, I'm just dying to know if you will attempt to strike me down because I struck down someone you cared about like you tried to Tuunbaak? I'm quite curious as to where we go from here, the ball is in your court Green Hunter."
Omerok - She is still processing the fact that he is gone. She hasn't shown outward signs yet but she is actually broken up about it. "That old bastard left us? Are you serious? You can't do this to me. You were supposed to be different damn it. You weren't supposed to leave me when I needed you like she did."
Marilka Thyrnmur - She tried to prevent Marilka being just like her, but it was inevitable. "Welp, here we are. It is amazing how much progress she's made. Real proud of her."
Jordun Brunhilde - Maribelle is glad he is no longer in one piece "Man, thank the pantheon he's finally gone, right guys."
K'jalias - Never met him but she wants him dead since he's associated with the Forsaken. "When I see him he better hope he can get a hit before I tear out his throat."
Logan Karstark - Thinks he would be a lot more tolerable if he knew when to put a cork in it. Was very close to killing him. "To be fair he isn't as bad as everyone says, but not by that high of a margin."
Laura - Surprised how fast she got destroyed. "Sheesh. For gods sake Aiden she's already dead again, you can stop swinging."
Raiah Theron - Thinks she's cool, but that's about it. "She's cool, I'd drink with her."
Sayrax - She wants to talk to her more. "I don't know much about her but Incineryn saved her, and Incineryn usually has good insight on things."
Skulk Greymind - For a while she thought of him as a reliable warrior, but now she can never look him in the eye and will never speak on why. "I don't want to talk about it"
Ygrid Ironborn - She treated Maribelle how she wanted to be treated by a older and wiser warrior. "I wish my mother was like her, maybe then things would have different back then."
Runa Stormborn - Sees her as a close friend and wants to go have lunch with her at somepoint. "Runa is great. She's strong and chill. Gotta hangout with her again sometime."
The Raven Queen - She thinks she's cool but doesn't want to mess with more death god shit. "she's so god damn cool"
Vecna - Was using him, knew he was using her. When she did use the power he supplied her it felt good, like her claiming lost power back into her life she grew dependent on it, addicted to it. She wanted to break away, so she did. "Fuck you."
Gwynevere Aural - Glad she's dead. "If I knew you were that weak I would have went and killed you myself ages ago."
- Maribelle's name was inspired by a character of the same name from Fire Emblem Awakening who is also a healer, but the similarities end there
- Maribelle's first outfit was inspired by Ruby Rose's volume 6 outfit and also takes inspiration from Stocking from the Panty and Stocking series which is also what Maribelle's hair color references
- Maribelle's old fighting style was very aggressive, Incineryn taught her to fight aggressively but not to the degree that she did before, once Incineryn died Maribelle stopped protecting herself during combat as much because she no longer cared if she lived or died in combat, if she did end up blocking or dodging it was either coincidence or a kneejerk reaction.
- The name of Maribelle's old fighting style was called, "Fists of the Dead Killer", Maribelle called it that because in combat she wanted to kill or be killed.
- Maribelle's new fighting style is still very aggressive but now Maribelle is no longer trying to get herself killed, she will now become more cunning, stealthy and can now pounce and prowl more effectively thanks to the overwhelming ki. She would rather wait until she can guarantee a fatal blow then get just out of the opponent's reach before getting back in.
- Maribelle spends most of her free time diversifying her fighting style to deal with multiple situations
- The name of Maribelle's astral fist heavy fighting style is called, "Blood Red Rampage", Maribelle calls it that because she wants to use her abilities to run the battlefield red with her enemy's blood, Maribelle took a little inspiration from Aiden's werewolf form and uses the claws on her gauntlets to attack up close and tearing the enemy to shreds. However, this style has now been replaced by the new style, "Fury of the Night" since her old astral self has died and been replaced by Nyx.
- The name of Maribelle's punching fighting style is called, "Star Shower", she uses her astral fists sometimes to compliment this style but she mostly relies on using her overwhelming speed to punch holes into her enemies. But if she uses her astral fists she ends up impacting the things behind the target.
- The name of Maribelle's more agile and patient fighting style is called, "Lethal Ram Reaper", she keeps the helmet she got from Aileen on and wears a cloak to cover her arms, in this fighting style Maribelle will only attack with her astral arms so that she doesn't have to take her hands out to fight, keeping a silhouette similar to a grim reaper and opting to use patient defense more often. However, if an enemy gets too close then that is when they are in range of getting beat like a drum by her bare hands.
- The name of Maribelle's kicking fighting style is called, "Spider Flurry", she delivers a series of multiple kicks to overwhelm and daze the target, often opting for stunning strikes delivered via a kick to the face. This style is rarely used but it works better for more non giant or monstrous enemies.
- Maribelle doesn't mind the taste of poison, it's the fact that it kills you is the problem, but now she can safely drink it.
- Maribelle's favorite drink is black tea.
- Maribelle has hidden tattoos that are harder to spot, they are a skull located on the tongue, a snake eating itself in the shape of a figure 8 located on the lower back, and an eye of Vecna on the left inner eye lid.
- Maribelle can never look Skulk in the eyes again.
- Now that it is revealed that Maribelle marries Ivar, Maribelle has a type. She's into big, strong men that can (And in Ivar's case, technically has) beat her in a fight. This making Aiden and Ivar the only two characters Maribelle could see as eligible partners. But since Aiden was taken that left one choice in her mind. Ivar got bonus points for showing care and concern for Marilka and for being someone she can relate to.
- Maribelle's final new fighting style is called Infinite Astral which take inspiration from Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy. Maribelle will be more calm and patient in this style allowing her precise control over the space around her using it to pull enemies towards herself, away from herself or even continue those opposing forces to cause a singularity. With this overwhelming control over space around her she can allow enemy attacks to avoid getting hit completely and she brings her enemies despair with Zan-ei her astral sword that she manifests and demanifests in any position or shape within 10 ft of her. The blade itself cuts away at space, ripping apart anything in the blade's way.
Art by Acerbus Sigil [3] Astral Fist Album Cover
There is a Maribelle playlist, this playlist is called, "Astral Fists" which can be found here [4].
Spotify Link here [5]
Song Meaning
Red Like Roses - Part 2 (feat. Casey Lee Williams & Sandy Casey) by Jeff Williams - This is pretty much the Maribelle is now playable song, as soon as Incineryn died, I listened to this song while I drew her and I had RWBY on the mind when designing Maribelle's first outfit.
We Love Burning City by Jake Kaufman - This is in reference to Inkindlyn burning down Maribelle's first home.
Warmth Is Gone by Hiroki Morishita and Takeru Kanazaki - This is a direct reference to how Maribelle was feeling once Incineryn died. To quote Maribelle herself, "The warmth is gone, it's hard to go on but I will anyways." Incineryn was literally the warmth in her life that made her better. Once it was gone she became a worse person, hopefully those around her will help her grow into a better person.
Losing Me Your Way [Kill la Kill Remix] by Triple-Q - This is in reference to how Maribelle was losing her way a bit when she was first in the party, she was very aggressive and made a new fighting style befitting of how she was feeling. She turned her back on the style Incineryn taught her and began using the Fists of the Dead Killer fighting style.
Recollection/I used to love H.E.R l Common x Gravity Rush by Nakinyko - This song helps show how Maribelle was feeling during this time, Maribelle loved her sister because no matter what she was always there for her and she always had her back. She would teach her everything she knew and Maribelle was similar to her but grew to her own person. Maribelle loved that Incineryn was everything she wasn't, she wanted to be strong like her but in her own way. But alas, that was taken from her.
I'm Sorry by VI Seconds - This song is very powerful and it very much would resonate with her. When she first joined she was very much gripped by grief and depression and she wanted vengeance but felt she didn't deserve it. She wanted to die in battle because she was too scared to do it herself, she would sometimes cry to herself at night when she was alone while staying in Incineryn's room before the cataclysm happened. Maribelle never drank alcohol before because she hated the taste of it but she would do it anyways because she knows people would do it when they were at their lowest point to make the hurting stop but it simply didn't work. She would try to drink the strongest thing she can find and Merciful Death happened to be there so she would default to that but again, it did nothing for her. She would hold on to the power that Vecna gave her because it was something familiar to her and she needed it even though she knew it was destroying her. The Fists Of The Dead Killer fighting style was quite literally Maribelle's strange way of crying for help and luckily she finally crawled somewhat out of that dark place. This song is a reminder that she is sorry for causing so much trouble for the party since they did everything they could to keep her alive during this time and that she is sorry for never communicating with the party that she wanted to die. The artist VI Seconds himself said he wrote this song when he was in a very dark place and that he put the song out there anyway because he wants others to see this song as well and know that they aren't alone and that he's ok and if you keep going, you will be too and I think with a character arc this heavy it is good let everyone know of this song and message.
This Will Be the Day (feat. Casey Lee Williams) by Jeff Williams - This is the song of Maribelle finally getting a bit out of the dark place she was in. She's starting to be a little more careful every now and again, she'll forget sometimes, but at least the party is there to help her if the situation demands it. I also listen to this during battles when playing as Maribelle sometimes.
Wiping All Out by Shoji Meguro, Mayumi Fujita, and Lotus Juice - Yet another battle song for Maribelle and the first Persona song, Persona is a massive influence behind the flavor and way Maribelle fights at the time I happened to just finish Persona 5 (for the 4th time) and start 3 and 4 when Maribelle was considering getting rid of the Cleric stuff, and then Astral Monk came out of Unearthed Arcana and became official and it is history from there.
Time to Say Goodbye by (feat. Casey Lee Williams) by Jeff Williams - This is in reference to Maribelle getting telling Vecna to fuck off.
Laser Beam Dual Mix by Atsushi Kitajoh, Mayumi Fujita, and Lotus Juice - This song is very cool, Maribelle can't shoot lasers, but this music just has that Maribelle vibe to it, it's fast paced and it hits from all directions, just like her.
Poison by Bell Biv Devoe - This song is S O good, I love this song, I heard this song so much growing up and when I listen to the lyrics I feel like it definitely reminds me of Maribelle. She's dangerous as the song implies. I like this song a lot, listen to this song if you haven't it's a classic. She also is an expert when it comes to poisons and she is the closest thing the team has to a doctor due to this knowledge.
Toxicity by System of a Down - This song is also there for the poison flavor to Maribelle, she hasn't done it in a while but don't worry, stay tuned, she will very soon.
Enemy of God by Ryota Kozuka - Maribelle flipped off Vecna so this checks out, she also hates most death gods except the Raven Queen she thinks she's really cool.
Living with Determination by Shoji Meguro - This is emblematic of Maribelle never forgetting and being unable to let go of her grief. It also happens to be a beautiful song.
Shadow of the Day by Linkin Park - This song continues the point of the previous song, she may be doing better, but she's still hurting a bit.
Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park - This song's lyrics definitely paint a picture of someone trying to become better and wanting to improve, so I believe this works very well for Maribelle.
Faint by Linkin Park - Maribelle loved her sister very much but she didn't like being treated like a child that needed to be protected and babied all the time. She wanted her sister to see her as an equal and to hear her out. By extension she saw that that is exactly how people were treating Marilka and she wanted to be there to hear her out and be there for her and someone to see her as an equal as well.
Heaven's Symphony by Triple-Q - This is just a great mash up honestly.
Whims of Fate by Shoji Meguro, Benjamin Franklin and Lyn Inaizumi - Despite not being there at the casino, she had some story involvement during the arc, she was becoming friends with Hildr.
Re Mind Secret Boss by Yoko Shimomura - This is pretty much the beginning of the Astral stuff for Maribelle on the playlist. If anyone in the party fights Maribelle, this is one of the songs that should play because you unlocked the secret boss.
Awakening by Takeru Kanazaki, Rei Kondoh, and Hiroki Morishita - This is one of the songs I listened to while drawing Maribelle's first Astral Self, this also symbolizes her awakening her astral self.
Awakening by Shoji Meguro - I listened to this one too, this also symbolizes her awakening her astral self.
Will Power by Shoji Meguro - This song too, I listened to this during the first fight Maribelle did with her Astral Self abilities similar to how when a character unlocks their persona for the first time in Persona 5 this song play for that first fight.
Drip (Jotaro Rap) by Daddyphatsnaps ft. Fabvl & DizzyEight - Maribelle has drip, also I realized that I accidentally made Maribelle similar to Jotaro personality wise, after watching part 3 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure for the first time my reaction was, "Damn, I think I accidentally made Jotaro."
Break out of... by Hirata Shihoko & Lotus Juice - If Maribelle was in a fighting game she would fight like Akihiko and Chie.
The Dreams we Left Behind by Vincent Diamante and Michiru Yamane - Once Maribelle unlocked her Astral Abilities to retain control every time she entered her trance and meditated she fought Sekhmet and this would be the background music for it if that fight was ever shown "On Screen"
Changing Seasons by Shoji Meguro - This song sounds nice and I use it to represent Maribelle starting to make real progress in her life in escaping that dark place that gripped her before. There is also another meaning to this song, in the game I DM for I describe Elvish as sounding like French, this entire song is in French and it translates to...
"How do I tell you...
The truth shall always be discovered.
Each day has enough grief,
Everyone finds bespoke shoes for their feet.
Time whitens heads without ripening reason."
I just find it funny and wanted to make that connection. And if you listened to this song before and didn't know this here you go.
An Oasis of Blood by Michiru Yamane - This song represents one of Maribelle's fighting style that being Blood Red Rampage.
When the Moon Reaches For The Stars (Reincarnation Remix) by Shoji Meguro and Hideki Naganuma - This song is nice I think it needs to be here because of the name. The song opens up with, "I've never felt so miserable." because Maribelle doesn't want to be an adventurer.
Memories of you (Reincarnation Remix) by Shoji Meguro, Shigeo Komori, and Yumi Kawamura - This is a beautiful song, I get a feeling of bittersweetness for this song and it is how Maribelle feels about the party, she wants to help them and being with them is nice but this isn't the life she wants to live.
Remember We've Got Your Back by Atsushi Kitajoh and Shihoko Hirata - Maribelle will always have the teams back, despite her mood and personality she's got everyone's backs.
A Fool or a Clown by Atsushi Kitajoh - I'm going to be honest, I genuinely don't know why I put this on here, I'm not going to lie. Song sound good.
Killing Moon by Hideki Okugawa - This song just feels at home here, Maribelle is like Akuma in a way, she likes to fight, a little too much but if someone is clearly weaker and might die if they fight her she won't want to waste their time.
Juri Theme Metal Cover by Vincent Moretto (Original Song by Hideyuki Fukasawa) - Maribelle actually prefers kicks to punches in combat but she mostly does punches because it's very satisfying to punch people in the face when they are talking shit.
Pledge of Demon by Hidenori Shoji - Realistically, Maribelle would make for a great Yakuza member. Never played Yakuza, but W O W what a song, I needed to put it on here immediately. This song is about someone who throws hands, Maribelle is good at that too so it works well.
Anger Management by Big Bad Bosses - She needs anger management.
Bury This Unstable Light - Yoshiko vs. Vergil [Devil May Cry x Love Live] by Triple-Q - Maribelle has Vergil vibes I took a bit of insperation from Vergil personality wise Maribelle shares his hunger for power and motivation to a limited extent.
Hunter by Ken Ashcorp - Maribelle is a bit of a hunter herself, she is adept with bows and arrows although her brand of hunting is a little different than Clymene's style. Maribelle specializes in hunting people and killing them, once you're in her sights your life is on a timer.
Palkia's Onslaught Remastered by Zame (Original Song by Arata Iiyoshi) - Maribelle rends apart space to hit her enemies with her sword, Palkia's signature move is spacial rend.
Expurgation Metal Cover by FamilyJules (Original Song by Rozebud) - This song is about a scorn and angry character that wants to go after their primary target and obsession but they have a completely different opponent in their face and they are confused as to why they are dealing with this. Kinda like Maribelle during the Sheng-Lao arc.
The Stars and Stage are Set! by Vincent Diamante - This is the theme song of Anne the Star Girl from Skullgirls (Great game play it), Anne has one eye that is just a star. This design is referenced in Maribelle's new eye. When Omerók regenerated her face her new pupil formed the shaped of a star.
Mirror of the World by Daisuke Ishiwatari ft Naoki Hashimoto - This song is the theme song of Baiken in Guilty Gear Strive. I looked into Baiken's backstory and I was very surprised at how accidentally similar her backstory was to Maribelle's it kinda funny because they are similar character wise as well. The song itself mentions the "Mantra of Light" which is a popular sutra used in certain sects of Japanese Buddhism, recited to cleanse one’s karma after committing a sin in the transition to rebirth. That line is followed by a line that roughly translating to "Let us sing a song to cleanse our spirits" reinforcing the purpose of the sutra. The rest of the verse pushes back against the notion, Maribelle's belief is that sin cannot be atoned for and the bad deeds that she has committed are ingrained to her soul and that her only way of atoning is to commit all her crimes until the job is done and then atone when she has no reason to be in the party. This song represents Maribelle feeling lost in time and wanting to cut away her anger and frustration once her journey ends. She is stuck tormenting herself by obsessing over the past tragedies she experiences and uses them to fuel her aggression and she wants to forge a new path from it by exiling herself to the astral plane with a trial once this whole adventure is over.
Necessary Evil by Demon Dice - Maribelle sees her way of doing things, as extreme as they are a necessary evil that the party needs. She is quick to the punch and doesn't hold back, when someone tough and heavy handed is needed when a situation cannot be dealt with delicately she will brute force a solution as fast as she can.
Walk It Talk It Kiss It - Darling in the FranXX vs. Migos & Drake - Triple-Q - I don't why this is here, every time I think of Maribelle I at some point whistle this song so I just put it here. I don't even know why this pops in my head first.
Vengeance (Batman Rap) by Daddyphatsnaps ft. GoldenEMP - Maribelle secretly shares inspiration from Batman. She finds herself seeing herself in her enemies more than her allies at times and so due to this, she knows how to hunt them, on top of that she lost everything and fights for them, every swing is her venting her frustration, every punch is for her sister, and every kill is for her father. She fights so that no one else ends up like her, she lets the rage and hatred in her heart drive her and she lets the sins and darkness weight on her so that the innocent people around her don't go down this path. One thing that pisses Maribelle more than anything is people hurting the innocent, she goes out of her way to not hurt innocent people and she expects normal and innocent people to treat her like any other person, she doesn't want special treatment for working with Croak and Dagger because she isn't a hero in her eyes, she's just doing what she's doing because it must be done because if she doesn't someone else with something to lose will which is why she wants to be the one to bear this burden because she has nothing left. And by extension she is why she trains Marilka. Maribelle knows that this crusade for vengeance is going to destroy her but she doesn't care at this point, she obsesses over the Lords and Cinders so much to the point that she refused to elaborate to the rest of the party until they were knocking at the teams doorstep because she was too blinded by this lust for vengeance to see that they were working with the Forsaken. Maribelle hates what she is becoming as this adventure goes on and she trains Marilka to fight like her and defend herself because she doesn't want her to end up just like her. She hopes that if she starts out training how Incineryn would have but do things her way, Marilka will realize that she can take what she has learned and become her own person rather than being just like Maribelle. Maribelle is technically a vigilante because she vehemently reused to sign the Sankofa Accord because she doesn't want to be an adventurer and because she doesn't want to be tied down by Government meddling, if she's going to kill someone, she wants no one to stop her. People that do wrong fear the name Maribelle Blackpyre so she is definitely doing a good job living up to the batman inspiration. She is also more inspired by the Thomas Wayne version of Batman from the Flash Point Paradox.
This Will Be the Day (feat. Rena) Intense Symphonic Metal Cover by FalKKonE (Original by Jeff Williams) - I listened to this during the Inkindlyn "fight"
I Burn (feat. Rena) Intense Symphonic Metal Cover by FalKKonE (Original by Jeff Williams) - This one too
Red Like Roses Part 2 (feat. Rena) Intense Symphonic Metal Cover by FalKKonE (Original by Jeff Williams) - This is the song of revenge, Inkindlyn better watch out.
Slave Knight Gale Intense Symphonic Metal Cover by FalKKonE (Original by Yuka Kitamura) - This song is very fitting to Maribelle's fighting style, it's rough, raw and violent. Great song.
Terminate (feat. Lamar Hall) by Jeff Williams - Great song, this song just feels right on the playlist, it fits her character very well because she most often than not straight up terminates her enemies.
I May Fall (Acoustic) by Jeff Williams - This song is nice and it fits Maribelle's unrelenting theme but has a softer tone than the original, this is because I wanted some variety in what versions of songs I put in the list.
Nyx by Shoji Meguro, Yumi Kawamura and Lotus Juice - Maribelle's Astral Self is deadass just Nyx from Persona 3. Also now when Maribelle goes into Trance she fights Nyx instead. With Sekhmet it was friendly sparring, however Nyx is actually trying to kill Maribelle.
One Winged Angel - Rebirth by Yasunori Nishiki, Nobuo Uematsu, Masashi Hamauzu - You'll see why soon...
Vagabond by BlvkDivmonds - This song represents Maribelle's current feeling and vibe as she is in the material plane before leaving. She feels as if she fought her internal thoughts and lost and so she feels that she doesn't belong here. She believes the martial plane has no place for the Blackpyres. A lot of bad things happened because of them. So she wants to separate herself from the realm to keep it safe from her and her family baggage. She feels if she stays she will cause a future problem and she'll end up being everyone's enemy just like her mother, just like Incineryn.
Disconnected by The Atlus Sound Team - This song perfectly sums up how Maribelle feels one the adventure ends. Like, almost lyric for lyric. She genuinely feels numb and empty so she lashes out and gets away from it all to gave time to think and try to find her own peace and happiness by moving forward.
Dark Hour by Demondice - This song sums up her time being alone at first in the Astral Plane. Walking around aimlessly with no one to talk to and feeling the loneliness she sought out. But she wasn't satisfied with that loneliness and yearned to find someone, anyone she could spend time with.
Hazy Skyscraper by Demondice - This song represents how she felt when encountering Ivar at first she was genuinely happy to see a familiar face even if they used to be an adversary. She saw he was alone and figured maybe they could be lonely together. Not just because she needed someone to talk to but also because she secretly wanted to know more about Ivar because he interests her.
Words That I Could Say To You by Demondice - This represents when Maribelle and Ivar were getting closer. She felt worried Ivar didn't see her in the way she saw him. After spending months getting to know him her crush on Ivar grew and she was waiting for him to make a move because she didn't know how to express interest in someone in that way. As time went on she began to doubt that he saw her in that way and so she assumed this was a situation of her again failing to find happiness.
Soundless by Demondice - This represents how she felt when Ivar took her on a date. She feels she finally found her happiness, someone who understands her and suffered like her, someone she can chill with. They found an understanding beyond words as they spent time being lonely together.
Don't by The Atlus Sound Team - This song represents how she felt when Maribelle and Ivar fought the first 8 gods. She didn't want to fight at first, she didn't want to get involved but to her it was the right thing to do. She felt that she put the life of fighting behind her, but she can't ignore such wrong doings. And the gods pushed her in the right way to reawaken her.
Only The Strong Survive (Parts 1-4) by Pe$o Pete - These 4 songs are the soundtrack to the death of the Olympian and Aesirian Pantheons. When faced with opponents like Ivar, Maribelle and their daughter you better be strong or you won't survive. This is also a reference to the version of Ivar from Isaac's campaign since he lived by the motto "Only The Strong Survive".
Maribelle is Incineryn’s half sister. They have the same father but different mothers, although all three are dead. Once she was about 5, she lived with her father, his new wife and their 25 year old daughter Incineryn. They lived in a small settlement named Innsclave next to a small river. Around the time the father was a blacksmith and the wife made clothes. One day someone burned the whole village down, killing everyone while Incineryn was out in the church with Maribelle. Incineryn ran with Maribelle escaped the destruction. During this fire, Maribelle was burned a bit as well. Incineryn ran to a village called Vattlegarten, she raised her sister to follow the teachings of Pelor but Maribelle instead "worshipped" Vecna instead in hopes that he would help bring back her parents once she realized this was bullshit, she used Vecna’s power for revenge. Maribelle's father’s family, the Blackpyre family, is a family of doctors and sages that don't make too much of a name for themselves and like to just help people most of the time, they helped raise Incineryn and Maribelle even a bit after their parents died but this didn’t do much for Maribelle she felt out of place. Once Incineryn joined Croak and Dagger, Maribelle was busy training, once she learned of the forsaken she believes that they were a potential threat to her. Once Croak and Dagger defeated Hildr and went to the casino, Maribelle was left behind with no one to talk to since most people avoided her. While she waited for Incineryn to return she decided to hang out with Hildr until she left to go help Croak and Dagger, once she was gone she was stuck with Robynn so she gave him the “special task” of watching a close eye over Skulk, but she doesn't know where he went. Upon hearing that Croak and Dagger returned she went off to see her sister, but, she didn't return alive.