Amon Nok

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Amon was one of the first antagonists that Croak and Dagger encountered. A former student of Finethir Shinebright, Amon had stolen his old master's wand of polymorphing and seized control of his wizard tower after feeling like more of a servant than a student. Amon used the wand to polymorph his master's old guards into rhinos and gorillas. Then, turned Finethir into a bleating goat. When Finethir returned it was with some hired help in the form of Croak and Dagger. The heroes for hire persuaded Amon to surrender the wand and return Finethir to his old self. With not a single spell cast or punch thrown, they had returned Finethir to his former glory. Amon and Finethir currently attend the College of Meadowcraft to improve their polymorphing magic.