Andol the Magnificent

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Age Height Weight Gender
24 5'9 ft 125 lbs Male


Andol is a fairly tall Half-Elf who has quite long brilliantly red hair, unusually so. His pale complexation is in stark contrast to both his red hair and his piecing gold eyes. Indeed there are those who claim that his elegant features, make him among the most handsome people they've ever had the pleasure of seeing. Others however, hold true to their claim that they've never seen a more punchable face in their lives. It should also be mentioned that Andol's left arm has sadly decided to move onto other things and is henceforth called "Cool Andol".

Andol's usual outfit consists of a set of full purple robes with bits of golden embroidery found throughout, a pair of black pants (of which the robe usually covers), along with fairly mundane looking traveling shoes the color of ash. In addition a holy symbol of Goar along with an arcane focus of bronze and amethyst hang from his neck, with a ring on his le-... right hand.



Andol used to have a light crossbow but lent it to Aileen following the tragic loss of her magical sword. Currently his three most important items are a cloak of billowing to help with his magnificent appearance (it also can't be stopped), a bag of holding given to him by the late Barbatos just before he sacrificed himself to save Clymene, and a ring called The Ring of the Grammarian which he uses to great effect by changing up to two letters of a spell to change what they do. As far as miscellaneous items go, he has a scale from what is believed to be a blue dracolich, a business card from "The Menagerie", an outfit from another time, a ring of friendship gifted by Aiden and finally a simple conch shell.

Powers, Abilities and Skills

  • Bloodline: Has a Shadow Bloodline, currently of unknown origin.
  • Eyesight: Influenced by his bloodline, Andol can see extremly far in the dark. Up to lengths of 120ft, allowing him to snipe foes from the darkness with his spells or more easily escape.
  • Longevity: As a Half-Elf, Andol is influenced by his elven side and likely has a lifespan twice as long a a pure human. It is also possible that his magical bloodline, increases his longevity as well.
  • Magical Aptitude: Andol is capable of affecting the very essence of his spells themselves, modifying them to better suit his needs. From fireballs to traveling the very Planes, Andol has a vast array of magic available to him.
  • Magnificence: While his looks are one faucet, Andol has the unexplainable phenomena of radiating an aura of Magnificence which augments his already significant charisma.
  • Resistances: Due to his Elven ancestry, Andol has Resistance against attempts to Charm him while also being impossible to put to sleep through magical means.
  • Silver-Tongued: Andol has an almost supernatural ability of using his charisma. Whether this is convinving people of a certain point of view, charming people without trying, or helping to convince a Faction to go to war for a faction they hate.


  • Aiden - Looking for a best friend wasn't Andol's intention while traveling with C&D yet that exactly what he found in Aiden. While amiable at first it wasn't till Jotunrath where the A-Team really gained traction, with the two looking for their lost and very drunk friends. Currently Andol views Aiden as a kind, honorable, caring individual whos positive characteristics are only equaled by his fear of losing himself. As such Andol takes care to let Aiden know that he'll always be there for him, while also trying to support him in any possible way. Such as being a wingman for Aiden's advances towards Raiah, not that a master of romance like Aiden needs any help.
  • Aileen - As Barbatos had given his bag of holding to Andol before running to his death in a successful attempt to save Clymene. Andol felt partly responsible and guilty when Aileen as a friend of Barbatos appeared only to fall into the emotional whirlpool known as grief. Since then he's watched as Aileen has struggled to find herself on their adventures with the dwarf often blaming herself much too harshly for mistakes or actions that they either don't have much experience with or that actually ended up saving one of her companions lives. Andol's attempts to change Aileen's views about herself while partly successful, leave him worried about her state of mind.
  • Barbatos - Andol and Barbatos had a friendly relation with each other and he appreciated Barbatos's attempts to better himself. He also appreciated Barbatos's attempts to make and initiate plans, even if they often conflicted with his own and were less.... thought out. With Carlos slain, Andol hopes that Barbatos can enjoy the afterlife to it's fullest.
  • Bill and Ted - Andol's biggest interaction with this duo was when he managed to convince them to drop Clymene's debts in return for a large amount of magically created scones. He sees them as shrewd (if strange) business men who have an unusual talent of appearing anywhere C&D finds themselves.
  • Desdemona Nox - While initially disgruntled with Desdemona for how she treated him in their first meeting, he's started seeing them in a better light after she and the Nightsisters upheld their part of a deal. He's more then willing to bring back her daughter even if it upsets a friendly God. After all, someone who cares so much for her daughter can't be that bad right?
  • Edgar Castille - Andol quite respects Edgar's character, seeing as he's in a position of importance and yet doesn't abuse it. Andol does view him as a bit stubborn in some of his views towards the Conclave, though these views have been steadily changing. Finally Edgar's understanding love towards his son's especially Aiden, has won him a large amount of Andol's favor.
  • Elvira Windhelm - After their first meeting after the raid upon the Casino, Andol saw Elvira as a commander with a strong sense of responsibility and justice. It was in the Shadowfell however that he truly saw how she was someone who persevered through hardships and as someone who'd speak out against discrimination without caring about the persons station.
  • Hildr - Hildrs a badass softie who just struggles to show that she cares without feeling like she's showing weakness. At least this is Andol's view of her, since he didn't face Hildr while she was under the sway of The Forsaken. This viewpoint was further strengthened with her action in the Shadowfell, after she regained control of her mind that is. Andol is currently hoping that he can help her open up towards people more and gain a more positive outlook.
  • Incineryn Blackpyre - After the events at the swamp, Andol's opinion towards Incineryn was that she was someone you had to be guarded against. She wouldn't attack you outright for no reason but neither would she care if you were in danger of being killed by her spells. It wasn't until meeting her sister Maribelle and the events of the Shadow Fell that he started to understand that Incineryn did have a set of rules she followed. Which made Andol respect and understand her to a better degree even though he doesn't agree with her blatant disregard of lives.
  • Laura - While Andol didn't get to know Laura for long, he saw that she didn't put her need for revenge ahead of helping others. Being one of the couple people to try and help Andol when he was grappled by a crocodile and one of the first to run towards a burning building to help. He still regrets that they sacrificed themselves to take out Gwynevere but hopes she found peace knowing that she finally got revenge.
  • Logan Karstark - Andol didn't have the best opinion of Logan due to most of their interactions involved Logan getting into trouble due to some debt or item he'd stolen, this was only compounded by his declaration that he knew something about the Thorin family before taking off. However Logan's actions of staying to fight, trying to raise morale among C&D and stopping Clymene from running off, have begun to change Andol's view for the better.
  • Lydia Redfort -
  • Lyra -
  • Maribelle Blackpyre -
  • Omerok -
  • Quoruk Cluiekill -
  • Raiah -
  • Roland Castille -
  • Sayrax -
  • Skulk -
  • Visera Maelstrom -
  • Ygrid Ironborn -



  • Andol is originally a character from a 3.5 campaign that fell apart, Goar was his familiar.
  • The Magnificent is not the only Title Andol possess, just the most prominent one.
  • Andol's eyes change when he truly gets angry, though this hasn't yet come up due to the need to focus on an important task.
  • Andol's favorite drink is now Dath'Karani, other wise known as "The Black Death".