Doktor Snick

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Arcane Speicamen 69420

drsnick.png Threat Level: Safe CODE RED THREAT

AC #: 69420

Arcane Containment Procedures: AC:69420 is to be kept in a padded sell under containment facility [Redacted], under arcane lock. any items capable of causing self-harm to AC:69420 are strictly prohibited in a 20ft radius of AC:69420. All reading material his now prohibited in a 20ft radius of AC:69420. All forms of Fire-arms his now prohibited in a 20ft radius of AC:69420. A supply of food and lab coats should be delviered to AC:69420 cell once a day.

Description: AC:69420 is an elderly Hobgoblin man, with white balding hair and mustache. Commonly wearing a white lab coat and cyan shirt. AC:69420's seem to be completely black and souless.

AC:69420 was discovered in an abandoned lab rumored to belong to [Redacted]. 69420's was shown to be rapidly aging until he reached elderly age for a hobgoblin. appears to have little understanding of social interaction, and response with pre-remembered lines, E.G. "HELLO [REDACTED]" interview show that even though 69420 does understand common, it will respond to must statements by saying hello. 69420 also seems to be profiecnt in both firearms and Hemocraft. using his own blood to power weapons.

Before Incident-042, 69420 was cooperative with the organization and was friendly with guards and agents.

Addendum 69420-01: after Incident-042 69420 has appeared to breach containment with AC:42069. forming a back with the eldritch book. 69420 has been able to avoid recapture by using 42069 magic to avoid arcane task force Bravo23.

Addendum 69420-02: 69420 was last reported at a party featuring the deities and adventuring party Croak and Dagger

Addendum 69420-03: several reports say 69420 is set to appear in hit fighting game FightEXE

is a hobgoblin blood hunter and gunslinger. He fulfilled the twerking requirement of joining Croak and Dagger.