Tuunbaaq Miastroth

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Tuunbaaq Miastroth
Thunal Ulafina Datris Miastroth

Tuthana Thal Reservation
OccupationEx-Military, Private Security
Years active1719-1728 (Jaeger Corp)
EraAge of Passage
OrganizationThe Fireflies
Height5 ft 5 in (165 cm)
SuccessorRaiah Theron
Criminal charge(s)Second-Degree Manslaughter
Criminal penaltyMilitary Dishonorable Discharge
ChildrenRyo Taijin, Andol Taijin, Parwana Taijin
Call signOni-1

"If you're not angry, you're not paying attention."


Tuunbaaq is described as having dark brown eyes, long brown hair with a streak of blue and a tall, athletic build.


Look for the Light

Born Thunal Ulafina Datris Miastroth, Tuunbaaq is the leader of the Fireflies movement. Tuunbaaq was born on the Tuthana Thal Tribal reservation, the only daughter to a spice merchant and nurse. The reservation acted as a live test site for chemical weapons being developed for the High Elves of Val-Adin. Tuunbaaq’s childhood was spent with a mask on her face wherever she went and learning to duck and cover in case of a high grade explosion. Towards the end of her childhood, Tuunbaaq was hardened by a harsh, unforgiving life of poverty and poison. Tuunbaaq’s father eventually took her to Sheng-Lao, where she would join the private security sector. Her armed service career included terms with the Naqdim Special Duties Unit and the royal family’s own Shinsengumi Police Service.

Tuunbaaq eventually joined the Jaeger Corp and was Elvira's second-in-command during her time with the corp. Due to her actions during Operation Kingslayer, Tuunbaaq was discharged from the Jaeger and returned to Sheng-Lao disgraced.

Campaign 1, Heroes for Hire

In the large gap of history between Tuunbaaq's dishonorable discharge and her reappearance in Sheng-Lao, Tuunbaaq and her husband Hakim founded the Fireflies. They seized control of the Forsaken-held village of Yulyu in a violent coup during the events of Cataclysm. In an attempt to take control back from the Fireflies, Atalanta challenged Tuunbaaq to a Rite of Combat, and was swiftly defeated. As a result of the defeat, Tuunbaaq exiled Atalanta and her husband, Chiron, allowing their friend, and Forsaken yes-man, Jordun to take them away. Tuunbaaq made no connection between the village of Yulyu and the Forsaken, only that Yulyu's leaders were inept and all those who followed them would be swiftly removed. Tuunbaaq declared that she would lead Yulyu into a new era, one where they'd join and aide the Free Folk, whether they liked it or not.

In response to the coupe, Clymene's mother, Atalanta, challenged Tuunbaaq to a formal duel for control of Yulyu. Confined to a wheelchair due to a spinal injury suffered from her fight Hildr, Atalanta was immediately defeated. The punishment for losing was exile. Jordun arrived shortly after, intending to speak with the Elders only to see the Fireflies escorting Atalanta and her husband out of the village. Jordun explained he was a visiting family friend and had no intention of stepping on anyone's toes, only that he'd take in Atalanta and Chiron. Trainees and Huntresses still loyal to the Forsaken and who knew who Jordun really was, said nothing to Tuunbaaq.

When word reached Clymene of Atalanta's humiliating defeat and the new leadership in Yulyu, she had every intention of killing Tuunbaaq and restoring order to her home. After some time, Clymene left in the dead of night and snuck into Yulyu, with her friends hot on her tail hoping to prevent a war. What Croak and Dagger found wasn't a village under tyrannical, dystopian rule beneath Tuunbaaq's heel. They found that Tuunbaaq's committed, regimented attitude paired with her husband's knowledge of commerce and infrastructure, was ushering in a new age for Yulyu. Tuunbaaq saw all the cracks in the system, the abuse of power, the elitism, the lack of attention to agriculture, the tragedy of Yulyu as a village under the Elders. It was something she had witnessed at Sheng-Lao, and was driven to prevent from continuing. For the first few weeks in power, Tuunbaaq, aided by loyal Fireflies, ordered all physically capable villagers to perform strict work details, ranging from preservation of what crops remained, repairing or demolishing old buildings, and general inventory. In the background of this new Yulyu, those who vied for the old traditions of Yulyu, the sanctity of their culture, the ones promised to them by the Forsaken, began plotting behind Tuunbaaq's back. Huntresses and trainees all counted on one person to give them the opening they needed to bring Tuunbaaq down.

Andol and Aileen were the first members of Croak and Dagger to approach Tuunbaaq, and even sit down with her for tea to hear her side of things. It was when tea was being poured, that Maribelle intervened and stopped anyone from consuming the tea that she had seen Clymene poison. It further reinforced Tuunbaaq's argument that Clymene, her mother, and all those who followed their beliefs, were a danger to the village. Tuunbaaq decided to make an example of Clymene in front of the whole village when she dragged Clymene outside and challenged her to a duel. Clymene suffered the same fate as her mother and was unconscious within 2 minutes of Tuunbaaq grappling her. The punishment was the same. Exile.

Amidst the pandemonium that followed, Jason attempted to assassinate Tuunbaaq but failed, instead leaving her with a painful scar across the back of her head and across her right eye. In the aftermath of the assassination attempt, Croak and Dagger successfully convinced Tuunbaaq to allow them to deal with Clymene, but also aided them in stopping Atalanta's plan in the Feywild. Tuunbaaq and the Fireflies stayed true to their word and were instrumental in giving Croak and Dagger the room needed to put down Atalanta and her loyal Purists. Since the events in the Feywild, Tuunbaaq and the Fireflies continue to rebuild Yulyu and have since pledged their blades to Croak and Dagger should the adventurers need them.

Miscellaneous Facts

  • Inspiration for Tuunbaaq and her story was taken from the likes of Abby Anderson from the Last of Us 2, and Farah from Call of Duty.
  • Tuunbaaq holds the record for fastest incapacitation of a player character (2 rounds)